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if (phi ~= 0 & phi ~= pi/2)
sigmao1 = 0.25 *sin(phi)^2 .* ((11. * a / b) * cos(phi) .* ...
sin(beta) - sin(phi) .* sin(11. .* alpha)).^2;
fact1 = (alpha).^2 - (.5 .* beta).^2;
fact2 = (sin(alpha).^2 - sin(.5 .* beta).^2).^2;
sigmao = (fact2 + sigmao1) ./ fact1;
rcs = (4. * pi * A^2 / lambda^2) .* cos(theta).^2 .* sigmao + eps;
rcsdb = 10. *log10(rcs);
xlabel ('Aspect angle - degrees');
ylabel ('RCS - dBsm')
%title ('freq = 9.5GHz, phi = pi/2');
Listing 11.12. MATLAB Program ÐCapped_WedgeTM.mÑ
% Program to calculate the near field of a sharp conducting wedge
% due to an incident field from a line source or a plane wave
% By: Dr. Atef Elsherbeni --
% This program uses 6 other functions
% Last modified July 24, 2003
clear all
close all
img = sqrt(-1);
rtd = 180/pi; dtr = pi/180;
mu0 = 4*pi*1e-7; % Permeability of free space
eps0 = 8.854e-12; % Permittivity of free space
% ===== Input parameters =====
alphad = 30; % above x Wedge angle
betad = 30; % Below x wedge angle
reference = 'on x-axis'; % Reference condition 'top face' or 'bisector' or
'on x-axis'
CapType = 'Diel'; % Cap Type 'Cond', 'diel' or 'None'
ar = .15; % Cap radius in lambda
rhop = 0.5; % radial Position of the line source in terms of lambda
phipd = 180; % angular position of the line source
Ie = .001; % Amplitude of the current source
freq = 2.998e8; % frequency
mur = 1;
epsr = 1;
ax = 1.5; by = 1; % area for near field calculations
nx = 30; ny = 20; % Number of points for near field calculations
% ===== End of Input Data =====
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