Graphics Programs Reference
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xlabel ('Radar to jammer range - Km')
ylabel ('Range reduction factor')
index = 0;
for pjvar = pj*.01:1:pj*2
index = index + 1;
jamer_temp = (pjvar * gj_10 * g_10 *wavelength^2) / ...
(4.0^2 * pi^2 * k * bj * lossj_10 * (rangej * 1000.0)^2);
delta = 10.0 * log10(1.0 + (jamer_temp / te));
rrf2(index) = 10^(-delta /40.0);
pjvar = pj*.01:1:pj*2;
xlabel ('Jammer peak power - Watts')
ylabel ('Range reduction factor')
% Use this input file to reproduce Figs. 10.5 through 10.7
clear all
te = 500.0; % radar effective temp. in Kelvin
pj= 500; % jammer peak power in W
gj = 3.0; % jammer antenna gain in dB
g = 45.0; % radar antenna gain
freq = 10.0e+9;% radar operating frequency in Hz
bj= 10.0e+6; % radar operating bandwidth in Hz
rangej = 750.0;% radar to jammer range in Km
lossj = 1.0; % jammer losses in dB
Listing 10.6. MATLAB Program Ðfig10_8.mÑ
% Use this program to reproduce Fig. 10.8 in the text
clear all
close all
tau = linspace(.25,10,500);
taum = tau .* 1e-3;
C_S = [-20 -10 0 10];
c_s = 10.^(C_S./10);
for n = 1:size(C_S,2)
val1 = 1 / (1.81*sqrt(2*c_s(n)));
sigma(n,:) = val1 ./ taum;
figure (1)
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