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X(1) = XN(1) + tmp1;
X(2) = XN(2) + tmp2;
X(3) = XN(3) + tmp3;
estimate(rn) = X(1);
rn = rn + 1.;
MATLAB Function Ðghk_tracker1.mÑ
function [residual, estimate] = ghk_tracker1 (X0, smoocof, inp, npts, T)
rn = 1.;
% read the initial estimate for the state vector
X = X0;
theta = smoocof;
%compute values for alpha, beta, gamma
w1 = 1. - (theta^3);
w2 = 1.5 * (1. + theta) * ((1. - theta)^2) / T;
w3 = ((1. - theta)^3) / (T^2);
% setup the transition matrix PHI
PHI = [1. T (T^2)/2.;0. 1. T;0. 0. 1.];
while rn < npts ;
%use the transition matrix to predict the next state
XN = PHI * X;
error = inp(rn) - XN(1);
residual(rn) = error;
tmp1 = w1 * error;
tmp2 = w2 * error;
tmp3 = w3 * error;
% compute the next state
X(1) = XN(1) + tmp1;
X(2) = XN(2) + tmp2;
X(3) = XN(3) + tmp3;
estimate(rn) = X(1);
rn = rn + 1.;
Listing 9.3. MATLAB Program Ðfig9_21.mÑ
clear all
eps = 0.0000001;
npts = 5000;
del = 1./ 5000.;
t = 0. : del : 1.;
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