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hold on
axis([-radiusy-0.5 radiusy+0.5 -radiusx-0.5 radiusx+0.5]);
title('antenna spacing pattern');
xlabel('y - \lambda units')
ylabel('x - \lambda units')
[xxx0, yyy0]=find(abs(array)<=eps);
xxx0 = xxx0-x0 ;
yyy0 = yyy0-y0 ;
plot(yyy0*doly, xxx0*dolx,'co')
axis([-radiusy-0.5 radiusy+0.5 -radiusx-0.5 radiusx+0.5]);
hold off
Listing 8.6. MATLAB Function Ðcirc_array.mÑ
function [pattern,amn] =
%%%%%%%%% ************************ %%%%%%%%%%%
% This function computes the 3-D directive gain patterns for a circular planar
% This function uses the fft2 to compute its output. It assumes that there are the
same number of elements along the major x- and y-axes
%%%%%%%% ************ INPUTS ************ %%%%%%%%
% N ==> number of elements along x-aixs or y-axis
% dolxr ==> element spacing in x-direction; dolyr ==> element spacing in y-
direction. Both are in lambda units
% theta0 ==> elevation steering angle in degrees, phi0 ==> azimuth steering
angle in degrees
% This function uses the function (rec_to_circ) which computes the circular
array from a square
% array (of size NXN) using the notation developed by ALLEN,J.L.,"The The-
ory of Array Antennas
% (with Emphasis on Radar Application)" MIT-LL Technical Report No. 323,
July, 25 1965.
% winid ==> window identifier; winid negative ==> no window ; winid posi-
tive ==> use window given by win
% win ==> input window function (2-D window) MUST be of size (Nxr X Nyr)
% nbits is the number of nbits used in phase quantization; nbits negative ==>
NO quantization
%%%%%%% *********** OUTPUTS ************* %%%%%%%%
% amn ==> array of ones and zeros; ones indicate true element location on
the grid
% zeros mean no elements at that location; pattern ==> directive gain pattern
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