Graphics Programs Reference
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fUnits = get(cax, 'DefaultTextUnits');
set(cax, 'DefaultTextFontAngle', get(cax, 'FontAngle'), ...
'DefaultTextFontName', get(cax, 'FontName'), ...
'DefaultTextFontSize', get(cax, 'FontSize'), ...
'DefaultTextFontWeight', get(cax, 'FontWeight'), ...
% make a radial grid
hold on;
maxrho =1;
hhh=plot([-maxrho -maxrho maxrho maxrho],[-maxrho maxrho maxrho -
set(gca,'dataaspectratio',[1 1 1],'plotboxaspectratiomode','auto')
v = [get(cax,'xlim') get(cax,'ylim')];
ticks = sum(get(cax,'ytick')>=0);
% check radial limits and ticks
rmin = 0; rmax = v(4); rticks = max(ticks-1,2);
if rticks > 5 % see if we can reduce the number
if rem(rticks,2) == 0
rticks = rticks/2;
elseif rem(rticks,3) == 0
rticks = rticks/3;
% only do grids if hold is off
if ~hold_state
% define a circle
th = 0:pi/50:2*pi;
xunit = cos(th);
yunit = sin(th);
% now really force points on x/y axes to lie on them exactly
inds = 1:(length(th)-1)/4:length(th);
xunit(inds(2:2:4)) = zeros(2,1);
yunit(inds(1:2:5)) = zeros(3,1);
% plot background if necessary
if ~isstr(get(cax,'color')),
patch('xdata',xunit*rmax,'ydata',yunit*rmax, ...
% draw radial circles with dB ticks
c82 = cos(82*pi/180);
s82 = sin(82*pi/180);
rinc = (rmax-rmin)/rticks;
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