Graphics Programs Reference
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f1 = 4.0 .* fofr;
f2 = 5.0 .* fofr;
arg1 = pi .* f1;
arg2 = pi .* f2;
resp1 = abs(sin(arg1));
resp2 = abs(sin(arg2));
resp = resp1+resp2;
max1 = max(resp);
resp = resp./max1;
xlabel('Normalized frequency f/fr')
ylabel('Filter response')
Listing 7.5. MATLAB Program Ðfig7_11.mÑ
clear all
fofr = 0.01:0.001:32;
a = 63.0 / 64.0;
term1 = (1. - 2.0 .* cos(a*2*pi*fofr) + cos(4*pi*fofr)).^2;
term2 = (-2. .* sin(a*2*pi*fofr) + sin(4*pi*fofr)).^2;
resp = 0.25 .* sqrt(term1 + term2);
resp = 10. .* log(resp);
axis([0 32 -40 0]);
Listing 7.6. MATLAB Program Ðmyradar_visit7.mÑ
clear all
close all
clutter_attenuation = 28.24;
thetaA= 1.33; % antenna azimuth beamwidth in degrees
thetaE = 11; % antenna elevation beamwidth in degrees
hr = 5.; % radar height to center of antenna (phase reference) in meters
htm = 2000.; % target (missile) height in meters
hta = 10000.; % target (aircraft) height in meters
SL = -20; % radar rms sidelobes in dB
sigma0 = -15; % clutter backscatter coefficient in dB
b = 1.0e6; %1-MHz bandwidth
t0 = 290; % noise temperature 290 degrees Kelvin
f0 = 3e9; % 3 GHz center frequency
pt = 114.6; % radar peak power in KW
f = 6; % 6 dB noise figure
l = 8; % 8 dB radar losses
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