Graphics Programs Reference
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Im = improv_fac(np,pfa, pdm);
Ia = improv_fac(np, pfa, pda);
% calculate the integration loss
Lm = 10*log10(np) - Im;
La = 10*log10(np) - Ia;
pt = pt * 1000; % peak power in watts
range_m = 1000 .* range; % range in meters
g = 34.5139; % antenna gain in dB
sigmam = 0.5; % missile RCS m squared
sigmaa = 4; % aircraft RCS m squared
nf = f; %noise figure in dB
loss = l; % radar losses in dB
losstm = loss + Lm; % total loss for missile
lossta = loss + La; % total loss for aircraft
% modify pt by np*pt to account for pulse integration
SNRm = radar_eq(np*pt, f0, g, sigmam, t0, b, nf, losstm, range_m);
SNRa = radar_eq(np*pt, f0, g, sigmaa, t0, b, nf, lossta, range_m);
snrm = 10.^(SNRm./10);
snra = 10.^(SNRa./10);
cnrm = 10.^(CNRm./10);
cnra = 10.^(CNRa./10);
SIRm = 10*log10(snrm ./ (1+cnrm));
SIRa = 10*log10(snra ./ (1+cnra));
plot(range, SNRm,'k', range, CNRm,'k :', range,SIRm,'k -.')
legend('Desired SNR; from Chapter 5','CNR','SIR')
xlabel('Slant Range in Km')
title('Missile case; 21-frame cumulative detection')
plot(range, SNRa,'k', range, CNRa,'k :', range,SIRa,'k -.')
legend('Desired SNR; from Chapter 5','CNR','SIR')
xlabel('Slant Range in Km')
title('Aircraft case; 21-frame cumulative detection')
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