Graphics Programs Reference
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MATLAB Program and Function Listings
dB_abs_Weighted_IQ_time_domain =
% calculate the unambiguous range window size
Ru = c /2/deltaf;
hl = dB_abs_Weighted_IQ_time_domain;
numb = 2*num_pulses;
delx_meter = Ru / numb;
xmeter = 0:delx_meter:Ru-delx_meter;
plot(xmeter, dB_abs_Weighted_IQ_time_domain,'k')
xlabel ('relative distance - meters')
ylabel ('Range profile - dB')
Listing 3.4. MATLAB Program Ðfig3_17.mÑ
% use this program to reproduce Fig. 3.17 of text
clear all
close all
nscat = 1;
scat_range = 912;
scat_rcs = 10;
n =64;
deltaf = 10e6;
prf = 10e3;
v = 15;
rnote = 900,
winid = 1;
count = 0;
for time = 0:.05:3
count = count +1;
hl = hrr_profile (nscat, scat_range, scat_rcs, n, deltaf, prf, v, rnote,winid);
array(count,:) = transpose(hl);
hl(1:end) = 0;
scat_range = scat_range - 2 * n * v / prf;
figure (1)
numb = 2*256;% this number matches that used in hrr_profile.
delx_meter = 15 / numb;
xmeter = 0:delx_meter:15-delx_meter;
imagesc(xmeter, 0:0.05:4,array)
ylabel ('Time in seconds')
xlabel('Relative distance in meters')
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