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Fig. 15.1 Stack overflow screen capture
15.4 Stack Overflow in the Documentation Landscape
In this section, we pose research questions and report preliminary results to identify
the role of Q&A websites in software development using qualitative and quantitative
research methods. Our findings, obtained through the analysis of archival data from
Stack Overflow and qualitative coding, indicate that Q&A websites are particularly
effective at code reviews, explaining conceptual issues and answering newcomer
questions. The most common use of Stack Overflow is for how-to questions, and
its dominant programming languages are C#, Java, PHP and JavaScript. Ultimately,
understanding the processes that lead to the creation of knowledge on Q&A websites
will enable us to make recommendations on how individuals and companies, as
well as tools for programmers, can leverage the knowledge and use Q&A websites
effectively. One such tool, Example Overflow, will be introduced in Sect. 15.5 .
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