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8.2.4 Infrastructure Requirements
SCSE, being the first and the most general application has the basic requirements.
CodeGenie and SAS have some common requirements as SCSE, along with some
new ones of their own. The overall infrastructure requirements to build the three
different code search applications emerge out as follows:
Common Requirements:
Crawling open source forges, extracting project metadata; downloading and
checking out source code from open source forges and associating project
metadata with the checked out code
Language aware parsing of source code to extract structural information (en-
tities and relations)
Indexing source code entities to make them searchable
Ability to store and retrieve source code for code entities
Compute rank using structural and lexical information
Code search service that could accept a structured code query, where the query
expresses matches on various parts of the code such as class name, method
signature, return types, and method arity (number of arguments)
Search results at the granularity of code entities such as classes and methods
so that the IDE can show types and method signatures in the result pane
A special code slicing service that could construct a set of synthesized code
entities that makes the retrieved code entity declaratively complete (i.e., all
dependencies must be resolved)
Data sources to produce an index using SSI
For a given set of code entities in search result, ability to get a list of most
popular APIs that are used by the code entities
For a given code entity, ability to get a list of other code entities that have
similar API usage
For a given code entity, and a set of APIs, ability to provide details on where
and how the APIs are used
8.3 Infrastructure Architecture
Sourcerer provides the requirements posed by three code search applications
through a collection of services . These services provide programmatic access to the
underlying data ( stored contents ) that Sourcerer produces and stores. The format
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