Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Are You Ready for an Amazing Journey?
Italy is undoubtedly one of the most sought after travel destinations worldwide. From its
sweeping landscapes and old world feel to the hustling and bustling metropolises, lazy farm
towns, countryside vineyards, historic architecture and culture, and of course, delectably de-
licious cuisine, there's no wonder why Italy tops the list of places to visit for the seasoned
world traveler and first time travelers alike looking to experience their very own “la dolce
vita” …the good life to those who don't speak Italian.
Italy definitely doesn't disappoint with the seemingly endless travel destinations it has to of-
fer. The eclectic landscapes alone are enough to draw outdoor enthusiasts from across the
globe. In fact, Italy is home to the most UNESCO World Heritage sites out of all the coun-
tries in the world! If that's not impressive enough to the seasoned traveler, there's always the
wide array of landscapes sure to please even the hardest to impress tourist. Where else can
you find vineyards or volcanoes, mountains or beautiful beaches, historic ruins or modern
cities? The answer lies in all that Italy has to offer upon your arrival.
Aside from the endless supply of breathtaking landscapes, Italy also has much to offer in
the way of historical cities as well. From Rome to Florence and from Venice to Naples,
there's plenty to see when it comes to Ancient Roman Empire architecture, towering glor-
ious cathedrals, as well as such as vast array of history, culture, and art. Italy offers those
seeking out splendid palaces of former kings and queens a chance to revel in ancient times,
while giving those interested in the magnificent wonders of art and architecture brought on
by the Renaissance a chance to marvel at the sheer talent and awe of it all.
When speaking in terms of Italy, it's inevitable that one's mind will most likely think food.
Italian cuisine, however, can be as diverse as the regions it comes from. For instance, in the
north, you may tend to run into French and Austrian influences when you dine, meaning you
may find things tend to be rich in butter, cream, rice, and meat. Heading into the central and
southern regions, the cooking tends to get lighter, with use of olive oils, tomatoes, eggplants,
and fish. And of course, what's a trip to Italy without pizza and pasta? For those who love
wine and cheese, visiting Italy can prove to be a true gastronomical delight, with different
regions boasting their own specialty cheeses, sausages, or salami. And with so many types
of wine and the famous sparkling Italian Prosecco, there will be much food and drink to rev-
el in when it comes to your Italian getaway.
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