Travel Reference
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It is the day after Easter. Generally people celebrate it with friends and if the weather is
nice, they generally enjoy a day in the countryside and have a picnic or eat at a barbecue.
→ La Festa della liberazione dal nazifascismo [la 'festa del:a libe'ratsione dal natsifa'ʃismo]
/ Il 25 aprile [il venti'tʃinkue a'prile]
The “Festa della liberazione” is the Liberation Day in Italy: people celebrate the end of the
second world war and the end of Nazi occupation of the country.
There are military parades in many cities, but especially in Rome, where the President of
the Italian Republic visits the “Altare della Patria” honouring the so-called “Milite ignoto”:
the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, to commemorate all soldiers killed in any war.
It is also the first occasion for people living close to the sea, to go to the beach with friends
and to get the first tun, and brave people have a quick dip, even if the water is a bit chilly;
otherwise people often go to the countryside.
Post offices, banks, most stores and other businesses are closed.
→ Il 1° maggio [il 'primo 'madʒ:o] / la festa dei lavoratori [la 'festa dei lavora'tori]
Festa dei lavoratori: Labour day is May Day in Italy. May 1 st is a public holiday dedicated
to celebrate workers' right. It is also the occasion to meet friends, go to the beach or to the
Post offices, banks, most stores and other businesses are closed.
→ Il 2 giugno [il 'due 'dʒuɲo]
The “Festa della Repubblica” is the commemoration of the institutional referendum held
by universal suffrage in 1946, in which the Italian people decided they wanted to have a
Republic (12,717,923 votes) instead of a Monarchy (10,719,284). A grand military parade
is organized in Rome and and there are important celebrations in all Italian embassies. As
for the other holidays in late April and May, some people attend the parades and most of
them often go to the sea or to the countryside with the family or friends.
Post offices, banks, most stores and other businesses are closed.
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