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of vegetated buffers. By setting a target for the
mean annual soil loss discharging downslope of
the buffer, it is possible to evaluate whether an
existing buffer is sufficient to meet that target. If
not, scenarios can be run with the model to deter-
mine what stem diameters, plant densities and
percentage covers are required to meet the target.
The outcome can then be matched to plants that
meet those requirements and which will grow in
the study area. Such scenarios can be adopted to
determine how to improve existing buffers and to
design new buffers where none previously existed.
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Evaluating nutrient and sediment losses from
agricultural lands: vegetative filter strips . Report
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(1989) Vegetative filter strips for agricultural nonpoint
source pollution control. Transactions of the American
Society of Agricultural Engineers 32 : 513-19.
Dosskey, M.G., Helmers, M.J., Eisenhauer, D.E., et al .
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Emama Ligdi, E. & Morgan, R.P.C. (1995) Contour grass
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Flanagan, D.C., Foster, G.R., Neibling, W.H. & Burt, J.P.
(1989) Simplified equations for filter strip design.
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Ghadiri, H., Rose, C.W. & Hogarth, W.L. (2001) The
influence of grass and porous barrier strips on runoff
hydrology and sediment transport. Transactions of
the American Society of Agricultural Engineers
44 : 259-68.
Grismer, M.E., O'Geen, A.T. & Lewis, D. (2006)
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control in agriculture. University of California,
Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
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Haan, C.T., Barfield, B.J. & Hayes, J.C. (1994) Design
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Academic Press, San Diego.
Hickey, M.B.C. & Doran, B. (2004) A review of the effi-
ciency of buffer strips for the maintenance and
The research described in this chapter was carried
out as part of a research project on the strategic
placement and design of buffering features for
mitigating the effects of sediment and phospho-
rus in the landscape. The authors are grateful to
Defra for funding under Research Project PE0205,
and to Dr P.N. Owens for his advice and assist-
ance with the field measurement programme.
Abu-Zreig, M. (2001) Factors affecting sediment trap-
ping in vegetated filter strips: simulation study using
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of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers
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(2004) Grass barriers and vegetative filter strip effec-
tiveness in reducing runoff, sediment, nitrogen and
phosphorus losses. Soil Science of America Journal
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(2006) Performance of grass barriers and filter strips
under interrill and concentrated flow. Journal of
Environmental Quality 35 : 1969-74.
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Daniels, R.B. & Gilliam, J.W. (1996) Sediment and
chemical load reduction by grass and riparian filters.
Soil Science Society of America Journal 60 : 246-51.
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