Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 10.1
WEPP applications in Brazil (papers and PhD theses).
Title of paper/PhD
Chaves, H.M.L.
Uncertainty analysis of a steady state erosion
Purdue University
Chaves, H.M.L.
Novidades sobre o Water Erosion Prediction
Project: WEPP.
Solos Altamente Suscetíveis à Erosão
Chaves, H.M.L.
Adapta ç ão do modelo WEPP para as condi ç ões
Solos Altamente Suscetíveis à Erosão
Guerra, A.J.T. & Favis-Mortlock, D.
Land degradation in Brazil: the present and the
Geography Review
Favis-Mortlock, D. & Guerra, A.J.T.
The implications of general circulation model
estimates of rainfall for future erosion: a case
study from Brazil.
Favis-Mortlock, D. & Guerra, A.J.T.
The influence of global greenhouse-gas emissions
Soil Erosion- Application of Physically
Based Models
on future rates of soil erosion: a case study
from Brazil, using WEPP-CO 2 .
Garcia, A.R.
Uso do modelo WEPP (Water Erosion Prediction
Universidade Federal de Vi ç osa
Project) modificado para estimar taxas de
erosão em estradas florestais.
Martins Filho, M.V., et al .
Modelagem do processo de erosão entressulcos
Engenharia Agrícola Jaboticabal
para latossolos de Jaboticabal - SP.
Martins Filho, M.V., et al .
Modelos para estimativa do sub-fator cobertura-
Engenharia Agrícola Jaboticabal
manejo relativo à erosão entressulcos.
Gon ç alves, F. A.
Valida ç ão do modelo WEPP na predi ç ão de
Universidade Federal de Vi ç osa
erosão hídrica para condi ç ão edafoclimática
na região de Vi ç osa-MG.
validation. Our intention is to help WEPP users
with the practical use of the model.
angles make it difficult to carry goods, especially
during the rainy season. This situation causes
several problems for the state and private sectors.
The roads need major modifications in order to
reduce overflow volumes. Rainwater represents
the main cause of erosion, and so it is important
to capture and control these waters, so as to miti-
gate their erosional effects.
The environmental impacts on the rural roads
affect water quality, because it increases turbidity
and the consequent silting in the channels.
Compaction by heavy vehicles decreases infiltra-
tion rates and thus increases overland flow and
river discharge. Furthermore, the increased turbid-
ity and associated eutrophication of rivers dam-
ages water flora and fauna, and this significantly
decreases fish diversity, population and health.
Erosion on roads caused by rainfall and runoff
occurs mainly because of inadequate construction
Case Study 1: Estimation of Erosion
Rates on Forest Roads in Brazil
The main objective of this case study (Garcia,
2001) was to determine the total runoff volume
and sediment yield from different forest road seg-
ments under normal rainfall conditions. The
measured data were compared with the predicted
data generated by the WEPP model. The research
site is located in Agudos Municipality, São Paulo
State, on a reforestation project with Pinus carib-
aea and Pinus oocarpa .
Roads are the main means of transport for
agro-industrial production within Brazil. The
non-paved rural roads in areas with steep slope
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