Geology Reference
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mass (acre lb −1 ), and B s is the dry weight of crop
residue on the surface (lb ac −1 ). If more than one
type of residue is present, the resulting total sur-
face area cover is calculated as:
R u
[ D r ( R i
where R u is in inches. Since many field operations
affect only a portion of the surface, R u is also the
roughness of that field portion left undisturbed
by the current operation.
For that surface portion affected by the field
operation, the resulting roughness has been found
to be a function of subsurface biomass present in
the top 4 in. of soil. The relationship is:
S p
α i · B si )]} · 100
where a i is the ratio of area covered to the mass of
that residue for each type encountered. The sum-
mation is for each type of residue, as each residue
type may have a unique a i value.
R a
( R t
Surface roughness subfactor (SR) Surface rough-
ness has been shown to affect soil erosion directly,
and also to affect it indirectly through the impact
of residue effectiveness as controlled by the b
value in Equation (8.12). The surface roughness
subfactor is a function of the surface random
roughness, which is defined as the standard devi-
ation of surface elevations across the slope, when
changes due to land slope or non-random tillage
marks (such as dead furrows, traffic marks, and/
or disk marks) are removed from consideration.
A rough surface has many depressions and barri-
ers. During a precipitation event, these trap water
and sediment, causing rough surfaces to erode at
lower rates than do smooth surfaces under simi-
lar conditions. Increasing surface roughness
decreases transport capacity and runoff detach-
ment by reducing flow velocity.
Roughness and cloddiness of soils also affect
the degree and rate of soil sealing from raindrop
impact. Soils that are left rough and cloddy typi-
cally have greater infiltration rates. Soils that are
finely pulverized are usually smooth, seal rapidly,
and have low infiltration rates. RUSLE assumes
that roughness decreases with the time since till-
age by the relationship:
{0.8 [1
exp (
0.0012 B u )]
where R a is the roughness after biomass adjust-
ment (in.), R t is the original roughness based on
the assumption of ample subsurface biomass
such as is found with high-yielding US-type corn,
and B u is total subsurface biomass density in the
top inch of soil (lb ac −1 in −1 ), with B u
B ur
B us as
used in Equation (8.10).
The adjusted tillage roughness is then com-
bined with that of the undisturbed portion of the
surface as follows:
R n
R a F d
R u F u
where R n is the net roughness following the field
operation (in.) and F d and F u are respectively the
fractions of the surface disturbed and undisturbed,
such that their sum equals one.
Similarly, the roughness decay coefficient
must be adjusted to reflect that only a portion of
the field is disturbed using the relation:
D e
D r F u
1.0 F d
where D e is the equivalent roughness decay coef-
ficient. RUSLE then reorganizes the relation-
ships described above to calculate the R t , P t and
EI t values corresponding to the equivalent rough-
ness decay coefficients, under the assumption
of a constant EI t / P t ratio. If a site is clean-tilled
and left without human intervention, two
things will happen: (1) the tillage roughness will
decrease as defined previously; and (2) as time
passes, vegetation will tend towards its climax
D r
exp[ ½(
0.14 P t )
0.012 · EI t )] (8.15)
where D r is the dimensionless roughness decay
coefficient, P t is the total inches of rainfall since
the most recent soil-disturbing surface operation,
and EI t is the total EI amount since that operation.
If the initial roughness is defined as R i , then
surface roughness just before a new tillage opera-
tion ( R u ) can be defined as:
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