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The four assumptions are initially considered to derive some important results on pe-
riodic task scheduling, then such results are extended to deal with more realistic cases,
in which assumptions A3 and A4 are relaxed. In particular, the problem of scheduling
a set of tasks under resource constraints is considered in detail in Chapter 7.
In those cases in which the assumptions A1, A2, A3, and A4 hold, a periodic task τ i
can be completely characterized by the following three parameters: its phase Φ i , its
period T i and its worst-case computation time C i . Thus, a set of periodic tasks can be
denoted by
τ i i ,T i ,C i ) ,i =1 ,...,n
The release time r i,k
and the absolute deadline d i,k
of the generic k th instance can
then be computed as
1) T i
d i,k = r i,k + T i i + kT i .
Other parameters that are typically defined on a periodic task are described below.
r i,k
i +( k
Hyperperiod . It is the minimum interval of time after which the schedule repeats
itself. If H is the length of such an interval, then the schedule in [0 ,H ] is the
same as that in [ kK, ( k +1) K ] for any integer k> 0. For a set of periodic
tasks synchronously activated at time t =0, the hyperperiod is given by the least
common multiple of the periods:
H = lcm ( T 1 ,...,T n ) .
Job response time . It is the time (measured from the release time) at which the
job is terminated:
R i,k
= f i,k
r i,k .
Task response time . It is the maximum response time among all the jobs:
R i
R i,k .
Critical instant of a task.
It is the arrival time that produces the largest task
response time.
Critical time zone of a task. It is the interval between the critical instant and the
response time of the corresponding request of the task.
Relative Start Time Jitter of a task. It is the maximum deviation of the start
time of two consecutive instances:
RRJ i =max
( s i,k
r i,k )
( s i,k− 1
r i,k− 1 )
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