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J 1
J 2
J 2
J 3
J 1
J 4
J 1
J 4
J 5
Figure 2.6
Precedence relations among five tasks.
are represented by nodes and precedence relations by arrows. A precedence graph G
induces a partial order on the task set.
The notation J a
J b specifies that task J a is a predecessor of task J b , meaning
that G contains a directed path from node J a to node J b .
The notation J a
J b specifies that task J a is an immediate predecessor of J b ,
meaning that G contains an arc directed from node J a to node J b .
Figure 2.6 illustrates a directed acyclic graph that describes the precedence constraints
among five tasks. From the graph structure we observe that task J 1 is the only one that
can start executing since it does not have predecessors. Tasks with no predecessors
are called beginning tasks .As J 1 is completed, either J 2 or J 3 can start. Task J 4 can
start only when J 2
is completed, whereas J 5
must wait for the completion of J 2
J 3 . Tasks with no successors, as J 4 and J 5 , are called ending tasks .
In order to understand how precedence graphs can be derived from tasks' relations,
let us consider the application illustrated in Figure 2.7. Here, a number of objects
moving on a conveyor belt must be recognized and classified using a stereo vision
system, consisting of two cameras mounted in a suitable location. Suppose that the
recognition process is carried out by integrating the two-dimensional features of the
top view of the objects with the height information extracted by the pixel disparity on
the two images. As a consequence, the computational activities of the application can
be organized by defining the following tasks:
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