Hardware Reference
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/* guarantee -- guarantees the feasibility of a hard task */
guarantee (proc p)
util fact = util fact + vdes[p].util;
if (util fact > 1.0)
util fact = util fact - vdes[p].util;
else return(TRUE);
The system call activate inserts a task in the ready queue, performing the transition
SLEEP-READY. If the task is HARD, its absolute deadline is set equal to the current
time plus its period. Then the scheduler is invoked to select the task with the earliest
/* activate -- inserts a task in the ready queue */
int activate (proc p)
{ save context();
if (vdes[p].type == HARD)
vdes[p].dline = sys clock + (long)vdes[p].period;
vdes[p].state = READY;
insert(p, &ready);
load context();
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