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According to this model, proposed by Wang and Saksena [WS99], each task τ i is
assigned a nominal priority P i (used to enqueue the task into the ready queue and to
preempt) and a preemption threshold θ i
P i (used for task execution). Then, τ i can
be preempted by τ h only if P h i . Figure 8.7 illustrates how the threshold is used to
raise the priority of a task τ i during the execution of its k -th job. At the activation time
r i,k , the priority of τ i is set to its nominal value P i , so it can preempt all the tasks τ j
with threshold θ j <P i . The nominal priority is maintained as long as the task is kept
in the ready queue. During this interval, τ i can be delayed by all tasks τ h with priority
P h >P i . When all such tasks complete (at time s i,k ), τ i is dispatched for execution
and its priority is raised at its threshold level θ i until the task terminates (at time f i,k ).
During this interval, τ i
can be preempted by all tasks τ h
with priority P h i . Note
that when τ i
is preempted its priority is kept to its threshold level.
delayed by P h >P i
preempted by P h i
τ i
θ i
P i
r i,k
s i,k
f i,k
d i,k
r i,k +1
Figure 8.7
Example of task executing under preemption threshold.
Preemption threshold can be considered as a trade-off between fully preemptive and
fully non-preemptive scheduling. Indeed, if each threshold priority is set equal to
the task nominal priority, the scheduler behaves like the fully preemptive scheduler;
whereas, if all thresholds are set to the maximum priority, the scheduler runs in non-
preemptive fashion. Wang and Saksena also showed that by appropriately setting the
thresholds, the system can achieve a higher utilization efficiency compared with fully
preemptive and fully non-preemptive scheduling. For example, assigning the preemp-
tion thresholds shown in Table 8.2, the task set of Table 8.1 results to be schedulable
by Deadline Monotonic, as illustrated in Figure 8.8. 1
1 Note that the task set is not schedulable under sporadic activations; in fact, τ 2
misses its deadline if τ 1
and τ 2
are activated one unit of time after τ 3
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