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In order to realize this idea, each semaphore is assigned a priority ceiling equal to
the highest priority of the tasks that can lock it. Then, a task τ i is allowed to enter a
critical section only if its priority is higher than all priority ceilings of the semaphores
currently locked by tasks other than τ i .
The Priority Ceiling Protocol can be defined as follows:
Each semaphore S k is assigned a priority ceiling C ( S k ) equal to the highest
priority of the tasks that can lock it. Note that C ( S k ) is a static value that can be
computed off-line:
C ( S k ) de =ma i {
P i
S k
σ i }
Let τ i be the task with the highest priority among all tasks ready to run; thus, τ i
is assigned the processor.
Let S be the semaphore with the highest ceiling among all the semaphores cur-
rently locked by tasks other than τ i and let C ( S ) be its ceiling.
To enter a critical section guarded by a semaphore S k , τ i
must have a priority
higher than C ( S ).If P i
C ( S ), the lock on S k
is denied and τ i
is said to be
blocked on semaphore S by the task that holds the lock on S .
When a task τ i is blocked on a semaphore, it transmits its priority to the task,
say τ j , that holds that semaphore. Hence, τ j resumes and executes the rest of its
critical section with the priority of τ i . Task τ j
is said to inherit the priority of τ i .
In general, a task inherits the highest priority of the tasks blocked by it. That is,
at every instant,
p j ( R k )=max
P j , ma h {
P h |
τ h
is blocked on R k }}
When τ j exits a critical section, it unlocks the semaphore and the highest-priority
task, if any, blocked on that semaphore is awakened. Moreover, the active priority
of τ j is updated as follows: if no other tasks are blocked by τ j , p j is set to the
nominal priority P j ; otherwise, it is set to the highest priority of the tasks blocked
by τ j , according to Equation (7.14).
Priority inheritance is transitive; that is, if a task τ 3 blocks a task τ 2 , and τ 2 blocks
a task τ 1 , then τ 3 inherits the priority of τ 1 via τ 2 .
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