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that asks the user to record their voice using getUserMedia , and then within the ad they can customize their voice
to sound like a chipmunk or like they're underwater. You can do some amazing things with the Web Audio API,
including creating a variety of sounds for games ( ) or
even creating something like a guitar effects board ( ). For some
other really great examples, visit , and be sure to check the support by going to .
Web Notifications API
Server-sent events allow for notifications to be sent from a server to a client (browser) in the form of DOM events. If
you are you familiar with Growl ( ) , the Apple notification center, or push notifications on your
mobile device, you'll quickly understand what these server-side events can do. Well, now directly from within the
browser, you can perform that similar behavior when a user visits your web content. This can be really beneficial if
you're a content owner and a user is on your page; you can send them an alert to refresh the page when an update
is ready. Also, if you're a news broadcaster, this would be really useful to use if you want to push up-to-date news
information to the user on your site. Take a look at working with the Web Notifications API in Listing 12-9.
Listing 12-9. Server Events API Example
Client Code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<div id="output"></div>
if (typeof(EventSource)!=="undefined") {
var source = new EventSource("sample.php");
source.onmessage=function(event) {
document.getElementById("output").innerHTML += "New " + event.type + " " + + "<br/>";
} else {
document.getElementById("output").innerHTML="No Support";
Here is the server code:
header('Content-Type: text/event-stream');
header('Cache-Control: no-cache');
$time = date('r');
echo "data: John Percival's time is: {$time}\n\n";
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