HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
<Tracking event="midpoint"> http://tracking/midpoint < /Tracking>
<Tracking event="firstQuartile"> http://tracking/firstQuartile < /Tracking>
<Tracking event="thirdQuartile"> http://tracking/thirdQuartile < /Tracking>
<Tracking event="complete"> http://tracking/complete < /Tracking>
<ClickThrough> < /ClickThrough>
<ClickTracking> http://tracking/click < /ClickTracking>
<MediaFile delivery="progressive" type="video/mp4" bitrate="1000"
width="640" height="360" scalable="true" maintainAspectRatio="true">
<MediaFile delivery="progressive" type="video/ogg" bitrate="1000"
width="640" height="360" scalable="true" maintainAspectRatio="true">
<MediaFile delivery="progressive" type="video/webm" bitrate="1000"
width="640" height="360" scalable="true" maintainAspectRatio="true">
<Creative AdID="12345Companion">
It's just regular VAST markup—however, look for the mediafile nodes (bolded) and the specific video asset used.
Can you see it? Three different video types (MP4, OGG, WebM) are being used in order to appease all the HTML5
browsers and their different format requirements. Also, keep in mind that some HTML5 video players may require
JSON code as opposed to XML. Again, this information will come from the specific publisher and their video player
Native Device Features
This section will review some of the native features that mobile can access and the various APIs that give mobile
developers permission. Mobile browsers and devices have many features: phone calling, GPS location, deep linking into
app stores, accelerometers, gyroscopes, and compasses, to name a few. All these device features can be used to better
enhance your creative, as you'll learn in the following sections. Some emerging devices even have support for NFC (near
field communication), barometers for detecting climate, and magnetometers for inspecting magnetics, all of which can
help your ad get really relevant information—like how humid it is when a user is viewing your ad. Let's review how you
can use these amazing APIs and JavaScript to access these features and provide highly rich advertising experiences for
mobile with graceful failovers where they're not supported. Before digging in, see to learn
which APIs and features can be used to target specific devices and browsers.
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