Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The following statement produces the union of the two rectangles:
Rectangle2D.Float rect3 = rect1.createUnion(rect2);
The result is shown in Figure 19-8 by the rectangle with the heavy boundary that encloses the other two.
Testing Rectangles
Perhaps the simplest test you can apply to a Rectangle2D object is for an empty rectangle. The isEmpty()
method that is implemented in all the rectangle classes returns true if the Rectangle2D object is empty —
which is when either the width or the height (or both) are zero.
You can also test whether a point lies inside any type of rectangle object by calling its contains() meth-
od. There are contains() methods for all the rectangle classes that accept either a Point2D argument, or
a pair of ( x,y ) coordinates of a type matching that of the rectangle class: They return true if the point lies
within the rectangle and false otherwise. Every shape class defines a getBounds2D() method that returns
a Rectangle2D object that encloses the shape.
The getBounds2D() method is frequently used in association with the contains() method to provide
an efficient test of whether the cursor lies within a particular shape. Testing whether the cursor is within
the enclosing rectangle is a lot faster in general than testing whether it is within the precise boundary of the
shape and is good enough for many purposes — for example, when you are selecting a particular shape on
the screen to manipulate it in some way.
You also have versions of the contains() method to test whether a given rectangle lies within the area
occupied by a rectangle object — this obviously enables you to test whether a shape lies within another
shape. You can pass the given rectangle to the contains() method as the coordinates of its top-left corner,
and its height and width as type double , or as a Rectangle2D reference. The method returns true if the
rectangle object completely contains the given rectangle.
Let's try drawing a few simple lines and rectangles by inserting some code in the paint() method for
the view in Sketcher.
TRY IT OUT: Drawing Lines and Rectangles
Begin by adding an import statement to for the class names from the
java.awt.geom package:
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