Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The MouseMotionListener interface declares methods (shown in Table 18-9 ) that are called when the
mouse is moved or dragged with a button pressed.
TABLE 18-9 : MouseMotionListener Methods
Called when the mouse is moved when the cursor is on a component.
Called when the mouse is moved when the cursor is on a component while a mouse but-
ton is held down.
The MouseWheelListener Interface
The MouseWheelListener interface declares a method (shown in Table 18-10 ) to respond to the mouse
wheel being rotated. This is frequently used to scroll information that is displayed, but you can use it in any
way that you want.
TABLE 18-10 : MouseWheelListener Method
mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent e) Called when the mouse wheel is rotated.
The KeyListener Interface
The KeyListener interface declares methods (shown in Table 18-11 ) to respond to events arising when a
key on the keyboard is pressed or released.
TABLE 18-11 : KeyListener Methods
keyTyped(KeyEvent e) Called when a key is pressed and then released.
keyPressed(KeyEvent e) Called when a key is pressed.
keyReleased(KeyEvent e) Called when a key is released.
The FocusListener Interface
The FocusListener interface declares methods (shown in Table 18-12 ) to respond to a component gaining
or losing the focus. You might implement these methods to change the appearance of the component to re-
flect whether or not it has the focus.
TABLE 18-12 : FocusListener Methods
focusGained(FocusEvent e) Called when a component gains the focus.
focusLost(FocusEvent e) Called when a component loses the focus.
There is a further listener interface, MouseInputListener , that is defined in the javax.swing.event
package. This listener implements both the MouseListener and MouseMotionListener interfaces so it de-
clares methods for all possible mouse events in a single interface.
The WindowListener , WindowFocusListener , and WindowStateListener interfaces declare methods
corresponding to each of the event IDs defined in the WindowEvent class that you saw earlier. If you deduced
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