Java Reference
In-Depth Information
When you compile and run this, you should get a window with the buttons laid out as shown in Figure
17-35 .
FIGURE 17-35
How It Works
You first create a variable that stores a reference to a SpringLayout.Constraints object and array to
hold references to JButton objects:
JButton[] buttons = new JButton[6]; // Array to store
SpringLayout.Constraints constr = null;
You create and add six buttons to the content pane of the window in a loop:
for(int i = 0 ; i < buttons.length ; ++i) {
buttons[i] = new JButton("Press " + (i+1));
content.add(buttons[i]); // Add a Button to
content pane
As each button is added to the container, the layout manager applies the constraints to the height and
width of the container that I discussed earlier. Unless these are overridden because the component is
overconstrained, these constraints adjust the size of the button based on the minimum, maximum, and
preferred sizes for the component.
After adding six buttons to the content pane of the window, you define two Spring objects that you use
to position the first button relative to the container:
Spring xSpring = Spring.constant(5,15,25); // x constraint for
1st button
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