Java Reference
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As Figure 17-33 shows, the position of a component is determined by a horizontal constraint on the x co-
ordinate of the component and a vertical constraint on the y coordinate. These obviously also determine the
location of the WEST and NORTH edges of the component because the position determines where the top-left
corner is located. The width and height are determined by horizontal constraints that relate the position of
the EAST and SOUTH edges to the positions of the WEST and NORTH edges, respectively. Thus, the constraints
on the positions of the EAST and SOUTH edges are determined by constraints that are derived from the others,
as follows:
EAST_constraint = X_constraint + width_constraint
SOUTH_constraint = Y_constraint + height_constraint
You can set the X , Y , width , and height constraints independently, as you see in a moment, and you can
set a constraint explicitly for any edge. Obviously, it is possible to set constraints such that the preceding
relationships between the constraints may be violated. In this case, the layout manager adjusts one or other
of the constraints so that the preceding relationships still apply. The constraint that is adjusted depends on
which constraint you set to potentially cause the violation, as shown in Table 17-7 :
TABLE 17-7 : Constraint Relationships
X or the WEST edge
width value set to EAST X
The width
EAST edge is set to X + width
EAST edge
X is set to EAST width
Y or the NORTH edge
height is set to SOUTH Y
The height
SOUTH edge is set to Y + height
The SOUTH edge
Y is set to SOUTH height
The SpringLayout manager automatically adds Spring constraints that control the width and height of
a component based on the component's minimum, maximum, and preferred sizes. The width or height is set
to a value between the maximum and minimum for the component. These sizes are obtained dynamically
by calling the getMinimumSize() , getMaximumSize() , and getPreferredSize() methods for the com-
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