Java Reference
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// Add top and bottom panel to content pane
Container content = aWindow.getContentPane();// Set container
layout mgr
BoxLayout box = new BoxLayout(content, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS);
// Vertical for
content pane
// Set box layout
aWindow.setVisible(true); // Display the
// main() method definition as before
The example now displays the window shown in Figure 17-26 .
FIGURE 17-26
How It Works
Both vertical boxes are now contained within a JPanel container. Because JPanel objects are Swing
components, you can add a border to them, and this time you add a TitledBorder border that you create
directly using the constructor. A TitledBorder is a combination of the border that you specify by the
first argument to the TitledBorder constructor and a title that is a String object you specify as the
second argument to the constructor. You use a border of type EtchedBorder here, but you can use any
type of border.
You introduce space between the two vertically aligned Box containers by adding a horizontal strut to the
Box container that contains them. If you wanted space at each side of the window, you could add struts
to the container before and after the components.
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