Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The JEditorPane and JTextPane components are a different order of complexity from the others and
enable you to implement sophisticated editing facilities relatively easily. The JEditorPane supports editing
of plaintext, text in HTML, and RTF (Rich Text Format). The JTextPane class extends JEditorPane and
enables you to embed images or other components within the text managed by the component.
Other Swing Components
Other Swing components you use regularly include the JPanel component. The JPanel class defines
something like a physical panel that you can use as a container to group a set of components. For example,
you might use two JPanel objects to support two separate groups of JButton components in the content
pane of an application window.
The JList<E> and JTable components are also very useful. A JList<E> component displays a list
of items of type E with one item per line from which a user can select an item. The list of items
displayed by a JList<E> component is maintained in an object of type javax.swing.ListModel<E> ,
where ListModel<> is a generic interface type. You can create a JList<E> component from a
javax.swing.DefaultListModel<E> object in which you store the items you want to have displayed in
the list. A DefaultListModel<> object is much like a vector<> container. You add items to the list model
by calling the addElement() member and you can add an item at a particular index position by calling the
add() method where the first argument is the index position and the second is the item to be added.
A JTable component displays items in a rectangular table with column headers with the items stored
in a table model. You can create your own table model class by using the
javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel class as a base. A user can edit a single cell, or relocate or de-
lete an entire row or column. A JTable component automatically takes care of reordering the columns when
a column is dragged to a new position using the mouse.
In principle, you can add a border to any component, and the javax.swing.borders package contains
eight classes that represent different kinds of borders you can use for a component. However, you can also
place a component to which you want to add a border in a JPanel container, and add the border to the
JPanel object. You use JPanel containers quite a lot throughout the rest of the topic.
I have not introduced all the Swing component classes by any means, and you meet a few more as you
progress through the rest of the chapters.
A Swing container is any component of a type that has the Container class as a base, so all the Swing com-
ponents are containers. The Container class is the direct base class for the Window class, and it provides the
capability for a window to contain other components. Because the Container class is an abstract class,
you cannot create instances of Container . Instead, it's objects of the subclasses such as Window , JFrame , or
JDialog that inherit the capability to contain other components.
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