Java Reference
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The example creates a very nice window, but it's not overly useful. All you can do with it is move it,
resize it, and changes its width and or height. You can drag the borders and maximize and minimize it. The
Close icon works because you elected to dispose of the window and exit the program when the close op-
eration is selected by setting the appropriate option through the setDefaultCloseOperation() method. If
you omitted this method call, you would get the default action, HIDE_ON_CLOSE , whereby the window would
be hidden, but the program would not terminate.
The setBounds() and setVisible() methods are members of the JFrame class inherited from the Com-
ponent class, so these are available for any component. However, you don't normally set the size and po-
sition of other components, as you see later. The setDefaultCloseOperation() method is defined in the
JFrame class so this method only applies to JFrame window objects.
Before you expand the example, you need to look a little deeper into the makeup of the component
A component represents a graphical entity of one kind or another that can be displayed on the screen. A
component is any object of a class that is a subclass of Component . As you have seen, a JFrame window
is a component, but there are many others. Before getting into specifics, let's first get a feel for the general
relationship between the groups of classes that represent components. Part of the class hierarchy with Com-
ponent as a base is shown in Figure 17-6 . The arrows in the diagram point toward the superclass.
This shows some of the subclasses of Component — the ones that are important to you at the moment.
I discussed the chain through to JFrame earlier, but the other branches are new. The classes that you use
directly are all the most commonly derived classes.
Table 17-2 summarizes how you typically use the key classes in this hierarchy:
TABLE 17-2 : Using Component subclasses
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