Java Reference
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The future reference here relates to a Callable<String> task that returns a String object. The get()
method will block if the task is still running and returns the result when the task has completed. The meth-
od throws java.util.concurrent.CancellationException if the task was canceled so the result cannot
be returned. This exception has RuntimeException as a base class and need not be caught. The method
can also throw an exception of type ExecutionException if the task threw an exception, and, in this case,
calling getCause() for the exception object returns a Throwable reference identifying the cause of the ex-
ception or null if the cause could not be determined. The method throws an exception of type Interrup-
tedException if the current thread was interrupted while waiting for the task to complete.
The second version of get() enables you to avoid the possibility of the method blocking indefinitely.
It requires two arguments, a value of type long specifying the maximum number of time units the
method should wait for the task to complete before returning, and a constant from the
java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit enumeration that specifies the time unit for the first argument. The enu-
meration defines the following constants:
Obviously, you are most likely to be using MILLISECONDS or possibly SECONDS as the value for the second
argument to the get() method.
Shutting down a Thread Pool
Calling shutdown() for an ExecutorService object starts the process of shutting down a thread pool by
closing it to new tasks. Existing tasks continue to run. You typically want to wait for tasks in a thread pool
to complete before closing it and the awaitTermination() method does that. Here's how you might use it:
try {
if(threadPool.awaitTermination(100L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) {
System.out.println("All tasks completed.");
} else {
System.out.println("Tasks failed to complete.");
} catch(InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println("Current thread interrupted awaiting termination.");
The awaitTermination() waits for tasks in the thread pool to complete for the time you specify by the
two arguments. The method returns false if all the tasks did not complete in that timeframe.
You can shut down the tasks in a thread pool by calling its shutdownNow() method:
List<Runnable> tasks = threadPool.shutdownNow();
This attempts to shut down all the tasks in the thread pool although the result is not guaranteed. The
method cancels tasks that are running by calling interrupt() for each thread so tasks that do not respond
to being interrupted do not shut down. The method returns a reference to a list containing references to those
tasks in the thread pool that were waiting to start execution when shut down occurred.
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