Java Reference
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Ending main()
Marilyn Monroe java.lang.InterruptedException: sleep interrupted
Slim Pickens java.lang.InterruptedException: sleep interrupted
Hopalong Cassidy java.lang.InterruptedException: sleep interrupted
How It Works
Because the main() method calls the interrupt() method for each of the threads after you press the
Enter key, the sleep() method that is called in each thread registers the fact that the thread has been in-
terrupted and throws an InterruptedException . This is caught by the catch block in the run() method
and produces the new output that you see. Because the catch block is outside the while loop, the run()
method for each thread returns and each thread terminates.
You can check whether a thread has been interrupted by calling the isInterrupted() method for the
thread. This returns true if interrupt() has been called for the thread in question. Because this is an
instance method, you can use this in one thread to determine whether another thread has been interrup-
ted. For example, in main() you could write:
if(first.isInterrupted()) {
System.out.println("First thread has been interrupted.");
Note that this determines only whether the interrupted flag has been set by a call to interrupt() for
the thread — it does not determine whether the thread is still running. A thread could have its interrupt
flag set and continue executing — it is not obliged to terminate because interrupt() is called. To test
whether a thread is still operating, you can call its isAlive() method. This returns true if the thread has
not terminated.
The instance method isInterrupted() in the Thread class has no effect on the interrupt flag in the
thread — if it was set, it remains set. However, the static interrupted() method in the Thread class is
different. It tests whether the currently executing thread has been interrupted, and if it has, it clears the
interrupted flag in the current Thread object and returns true .
When an InterruptedException is thrown, the flag that registers the interrupt in the thread is cleared,
so a subsequent call to isInterrupted() or interrupted() returns false .
Connecting Threads
If in one thread you need to wait until another thread dies, you can call the join() method for the thread that
you expect isn't long for this world. Calling the join() method with no arguments halts the current thread
for as long as it takes the specified thread to die:
thread1.join(); // Suspend the current thread until thread1 dies
You can also pass a long value to the join() method to specify the number of milliseconds you're pre-
pared to wait for the death of a thread:
thread1.join(1000); // Wait up to 1 second for thread1 to die
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