Java Reference
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Hopalong Monroe
Marilyn Pickens
Slim Cassidy
Hopalong Monroe
Marilyn Cassidy
Hopalong Cassidy
Hopalong Monroe
Marilyn Pickens
Slim Cassidy
Hopalong Cassidy
Hopalong Monroe
Enter pressed...
Ending main()
How It Works
You have three instance variables in the TryThread class, and these are initialized in the constructor.
The two String variables hold first and second names, and the variable aWhile stores a time period
in milliseconds. The constructor for the class, TryThread() ,automatically calls the default constructor,
Thread() , for the base class.
The class containing the main() method is derived from Thread and implements run() , so objects of
this class represent threads. The fact that each object of your class has access to the method main() is ir-
relevant — the objects are perfectly good threads. The method main() creates three such objects: first ,
second , and third .
Daemon and User Threads
The call to setDaemon() , with the argument true in the TryThread constructor, makes the thread that is
created a daemon thread . A daemon thread is simply a background thread that is subordinate to the thread
that creates it, so when the thread that created it ends, the daemon thread dies with it. In this case, the main()
method creates the daemon threads so that when main() returns and ends the main thread, all the threads it
has created also end. If you run the example a few times pressing Enter at random, you should see that the
daemon threads die after the main() method returns, because, from time to time, you get some output from
one or another thread after the last output from main() .
A thread that isn't a daemon thread is called a userthread . The diagram in Figure 16-4 shows two daemon
threads and a user thread that are created by the main thread of a program.
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