Java Reference
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By default, a Scanner object reads tokens assuming they are delimited by whitespace. Whitespace corres-
ponds to any character for which the isWhitespace() method in the Character class returns true . Read-
ing a token therefore involves skipping over any delimiter characters until a non-delimiter character is found
and then attempting to interpret the sequence of non-delimiter characters in the way you have requested.
You can read tokens of primitive types from the scanner source using the methods found in Table 15-9 .
TABLE 15-9 : Calendar Field Setting Options
nextByte() Reads and returns the next token as type byte
nextShort() Reads and returns the next token as type short
nextInt() Reads and returns the next token as type int
nextLong() Reads and returns the next token as type long
nextFloat() Reads and returns the next token as type float
nextDouble() Reads and returns the next token as type double
nextBoolean() Reads and returns the next token as type boolean
The first four methods each have an overloaded version that accepts an argument of type int specifying
the radix to be used in the interpretation of the value. All of these methods throw a
java.util.InputMismatchException if the input does not match the regular expression for the input type
being read or a java.util.NoSuchElementException if the input is exhausted. Note that type NoSuchEle-
mentException is a superclass of type InputMismatchException , so you must put a catch clause for the
latter first if you intend to catch both types of exceptions separately. The methods can also throw an excep-
tion of type IllegalStateException if the scanner is closed.
If the input read does not match the token you are trying to read, the invalid input is left in the input
buffer, so you have an opportunity to try an alternative way of matching it. Of course, if it is simply erro-
neous input, you should skip over it before continuing. In this case you can call the next() method for the
Scanner object, which reads the next token up to the next delimiter in the input and returns it as a String
The Scanner class also defines nextBigInteger() and nextBigDecimal() methods that read the next
token as a java.math.BigInteger object or a java.math.BigDecimal object, respectively. The BigIn-
teger class defines objects that encapsulate integers with an arbitrary number of digits and provides the
methods you need to work with such values. The BigDecimal class does the same thing for non-integral
You have enough knowledge to try out a scanner, so let's do it.
TRY IT OUT: Using a Scanner
Here's a simple example that just reads a variety of input from the standard input stream and displays
what was read from the keyboard:
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.InputMismatchException;
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