Java Reference
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Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regEx);
Matcher m = pattern.matcher(oldCode);
StringBuffer newCode = new StringBuffer();
while(m.find()) {
m.appendReplacement(newCode, "$1\\($8,$2\\)");
System.out.println("Original Code:\n" + oldCode);
System.out.println("New Code:\n" + newCode);
You should get the following output:
Original Code:
double result = Math.pow( 3.0, 16.0);
double resultSquared = Math.pow(2 ,result );
double hypotenuse = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(2.0, 30.0)+Math.pow(2 , 40.0));
New Code:
double result = Math.pow(16.0,3.0);
double resultSquared = Math.pow(result,2);
double hypotenuse = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(30.0,2.0)+Math.pow(40.0,2));
How It Works
You have defined the regular expression so that separate capturing groups identify the method name and both ar-
guments. As you saw earlier, the method name corresponds to group 1, the first argument to group 2, and the
second argument to group 8. You therefore define the replacement string to the appendReplacement() method as
"$1\\($8,$2\\)" . The effect of this is to replace the text for each method call that is matched by the following
items in Table 15-8 , in sequence:
TABLE 15-8 : Matching a Method Call
The text matching capturing group 1 — the method name
A left parenthesis
The text matching capturing group 8 — the second argument
A comma
The text matching capturing group 2 — the first argument
A right parenthesis
The call to appendTail() is necessary to ensure that any text left at the end of oldCode following the last match
for regEx gets copied to newCode .
In the process, you have eliminated any superfluous whitespace that was lying around in the original text.
The java.util.Scanner class defines objects that use regular expressions to scan character input from a
variety of sources and present the input as a sequence of tokens of various primitive types or as strings. For
example, you can use a Scanner object to read data values of various types from a file or a stream, including
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