Java Reference
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This produces the following output:
Pattern found at Start: 19 End: 22
Pattern found at Start: 23 End: 26
Pattern found at Start: 28 End: 31
Pattern found at Start: 34 End: 37
Pattern found at Start: 38 End: 41
Pattern found at Start: 43 End: 46
Pattern found at Start: 47 End: 50
Smith, where Jones had had 'had', had had 'had had'.
^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^
How It Works
You first define a string, regEx , containing the regular expression, and a string, str , that you search:
String regEx = "had";
String str = "Smith, where Jones had had 'had', had had 'had
You also create an array, marker , of type char[] with the same number of elements as str , that you use
to indicate where the pattern is found in the string:
char[] marker = new char[str.length()];
You fill the elements of the marker array with spaces initially using the static fill() method from the
Arrays class:
Arrays.fill(marker,' ');
Later you replace some of the spaces in the array with '^' to indicate where the pattern has been found
in the original string.
After compiling the regular expression regEx into a Pattern object, pattern , you create a Matcher ob-
ject, m , from pattern , which applies to the string str :
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regEx);
Matcher m = pattern.matcher(str);
You then call the find() method for m in the while loop condition:
while( m.find() ){
"Pattern found at Start: " + m.start() + " End: " +
Arrays.fill(marker, m.start(), m.end(), '^');
This loop continues as long as the find() method returns true . On each iteration you output the index
values returned by the start() and end() methods, which reflect the index position where the first char-
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