Java Reference
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as changed by calling the setChanged() method. The current object and the argument passed to
the notifyObservers() method are passed to the update() method for each Observer object.
The clearChanged() method for the Observable is called to reset its status.
void notifyObservers() : Calling this method is equivalent to calling the previous method with
a null argument.
int countObservers() : Returns the number of Observer objects for the current object.
void setChanged() : Sets the current object as changed. You must call this method before calling
the notifyObservers() method. Note that this method is protected .
boolean hasChanged() : Returns true if the object has been set as changed and returns false
void clearChanged() : Resets the changed status of the current object to unchanged. Note that
this method is also protected . This method is called automatically after notifyObservers() is
It's fairly easy to see how these methods are used to manage the relationship between an Observable
object and its observers. To connect an observer to an Observable object, the Observer object must be re-
gistered with the Observable object by calling its addObserver() method. The Observer is then notified
when changes to the Observable object occur. An Observable object is responsible for adding Observer
objects to its internal record through the addObserver() method. In practice, the Observer objects are typ-
ically created as objects that are dependent on the Observable object, and then they are added to the record,
so there's an implied ownership relationship.
This makes sense if you think about how the mechanism is often used in an application using the doc-
ument/view architecture. A document has permanence because it represents the data for an application. A
view is a transient presentation of some or all of the data in the document, so a document object should nat-
urally create and own its view objects. A view is responsible for managing the interface to the application's
user, but the update of the underlying data in the document object would be carried out by methods in the
document object, which would then notify other view objects that a change has occurred.
Of course, you're in no way limited to using the Observable class and the Observer interface in the way
in which I described here. You can use them in any context where you want changes that occur in one class
object to be communicated to others. We can exercise the process in a frightening example.
TRY IT OUT: Observing the Observable
We first define a class for an object that can exhibit change:
import java.util.Observable;
public class JekyllAndHyde extends Observable {
public void drinkPotion() {
name = "Mr.Hyde";
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