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Directory "TrySortingWithComparator"
This example produces the following output:
Original order:
Danielle Steel
John Grisham
Tom Clancy
Christina Schwartz
Patricia Cornwell
Bill Bryson
Order after sorting using comparator:
Danielle Steel
Christina Schwartz
John Grisham
Patricia Cornwell
Tom Clancy
Bill Bryson
Order after sorting using compareTo() method:
Bill Bryson
Tom Clancy
Patricia Cornwell
John Grisham
Christina Schwartz
Danielle Steel
How It Works
After defining the authors array of Person objects, you sort them with the statement:
Arrays.sort(authors, new ComparePersons()); // Sort using
The second argument is an instance of the ComparePersons class, which is a comparator for Person
objects because it implements the Comparator<Person> interface. The sort() method calls the com-
pare() method to establish the order between Person objects, and you defined this method like this:
public int compare(Person person1, Person person2) {
int result =
return result == 0 ?
The primary comparison is between surnames and returns a result that is the opposite of that produced by
the compareTo() method for String objects. Because the order established by the compareTo() method
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