Java Reference
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ception is thrown. If the first argument is greater than the second argument, IllegalArgumentException
is thrown.
You have lots of ways of using the subList() method in conjunction with other methods, for example:
ListIterator<String> listIter = names.subList(5, 15).listIterator(2);
The call to subList() returns a List<String> object that encapsulates the elements from names at index
positions 5 to 14, inclusive. You then call the listIterator() method for this object, which returns a list
iterator of type ListIterator<String> for elements in the List<String> collection from index position
2 to the end. This corresponds to elements 7 to 14, inclusive, from the original names vector. You can use
this iterator to roam backward and forward through elements 7 to 14 from the names vector to your heart's
Extracting All the Elements from a Vector
A Vector<> object provides you with tremendous flexibility in use, particularly with the capability to auto-
matically adjust its capacity. Of course, the flexibility you get comes at a price. There is always some over-
head involved when you're retrieving elements. For this reason, there might be times when you want to
retrieve the elements contained in a Vector<> object as a regular array. The toArray() method that both
array collections implement does this for you. You typically use the method like this:
String[] data = names.toArray(new String[names.size()]);
The argument to the toArray() method must be an array of the same type or a supertype of the type
of elements in the vector. If it isn't, an ArrayStoreException is thrown. If the argument is null , then a
NullPointerException is thrown. If the array argument is not large enough to accommodate all the ele-
ments in the vector, then a new array is created, and a reference to that is returned. The toArray() method
here returns an array of type String[] containing all the elements from names in the correct sequence.
It's worth noting that the java.util.Arrays class you first saw in Chapter 3 defines a static parameter-
ized method, asList() , that converts an array of a given type, T , into a List<T> collection. The argument
is the array of type T that you want to convert, and the reference returned is of type List<T> . For example:
String[] people = { "Brian", "Beryl", "Belinda", "Barry", "Bill", "Barbara" };
List<String> nameList = java.util.Arrays.asList(people);
Note that the List<> object that is returned does not have storage independent of the array. The List<>
object is backed by the array you pass as the argument. From the interface hierarchy that you saw earlier
you know that a List<String> reference is also a Collection<String> reference. You can therefore pass
it as an argument to a Vector<String> constructor. For example:
Vector<String> names = new Vector<>( java.util.Arrays.asList(people));
Here you are calling the constructor that accepts an argument of type Collection<> . You thus have a
way to create a Vector<> object containing the elements from a predefined array. Of course, the type of
elements in the array must be consistent with the type argument for the vector you are creating.
Removing Objects
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