Java Reference
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To add a constant to an existing set, you use the add() method:
This adds the StandardOpenOption.READ constant to options .
The static copyOf() method returns a set that is the copy of its argument. The static allOf() method
returns a set that contains all of the constants of the enumeration type you specify as the argument. For ex-
EnumSet<StandardOpenOption> optionsCopy = EnumSet.copyOf(options);
EnumSet<StandardOpenOption> allOptions = EnumSet.allOf(StandardOpenOption.class);
The optionsCopy variable references a new set identical to options . The allOptions variable referen-
ces a set containing all the constants from the StandardOpenOption enumeration.
Next, I'll present a collection class, which you will note is close to the notion of an array, as you've now
become very familiar with arrays.
There are two collection classes that emulate arrays: Vector<T> and ArrayList<T> . Both types define a
sequence collection of elements of any type T . They work rather like an array, but with the additional feature
that they can grow automatically when you need more capacity. They also implement the List<T> interface,
so you can also access the contents of containers of these types as a list.
These collection classes are similar in function and operation. They have the same base class and imple-
ment the same set of interfaces, so understanding the differences between them is useful.
Vector<T> is synchronized so it is safe for concurrent use by more than one thread. Ar-
rayList<T> is not synchronized so you should not allow it to be accessed by more than one
thread. You can convert an ArrayList<T> into a synchronized list using the static synchron-
izedList() method in the Collections class.
• You can specify how a Vector<T> object should increase its capacity when it is necessary whereas
with an ArrayList<T> you cannot. You can have some control over how an ArrayList<T> in-
creases in capacity by using its ensureCapacity() method that sets a given capacity.
• You can discover the current capacity of a Vector<T> by calling its capacity() method. You
have no way to know the current capacity of an ArrayList<T> unless you have set its capacity
ArrayList<T> is faster in general than a Vector<T> because it does not include the overhead
for synchronized operation. However, beware of default increments in capacity with an Ar-
rayList<T> .
I describe how you use array collection classes in the context of the Vector<T> class. However, except
where noted, the methods and usage are the same with the ArrayList<T> class.
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