Java Reference
In-Depth Information
These are not all the interfaces defined in the java.util package, just the ones that relate to the topics
in this chapter. You can see that the interfaces for maps have no connection to the interfaces implemented
by sets and lists. You can also see that the map interfaces do not implement the Iterable<T> interface, so
you cannot use the collection-based for loop to iterate over the objects in a map. However, the Map<K,V>
interface declares a values() method that returns a collection view of the objects in a map as type Collec-
tion<V> . You can use the Collection<V> reference with a collection-based for loop to access the contents
of the map because the Collection<V> type extends Iterable<V> .
There are four basic collection interfaces — the Set<T> , List<T> , Queue<T> , and Map<K,V> interfaces —
that relate to the fundamental organization of objects in a collection. The first three inherit the members of
Iterable<T> and Collection<T> , so sets, lists, and queues share the characteristics specified by these two
interfaces. SortedSet<T> and SortedMap<K,V> are specialized versions of their respective superinterfaces
that add methods for ordering objects within a collection. The NavigableSet<T> and NavigableMap<K,V>
interfaces provide further specialization that defines the capability for finding the closest match for a given
search target in a collection. Don't confuse the Collection<T> interface with the Collections class (with
an s ) that you will see later.
These interfaces are implemented by the classes from the java.util package that I have introduced, as
shown in Table 14-1 :
TABLE 14-1 : java.util Package Classes
Set<T> HashSet<T>, LinkedHashSet<T>, EnumSet<T>
SortedSet<T> TreeSet<T>
List<T> Vector<T>, Stack<T>, ArrayList<T>, LinkedList<T>
Queue<T> PriorityQueue<T>, LinkedList<T>
Deque<T> LinkedList<T>, ArrayDeque<T>
Map<K,V> Hashtable<K,V>, HashMap<K,V>, LinkedHashMap<K,V>, WeakHashMap<K,V>, Iden-
tityHashMap<K,V>, EnumMap<K extends Enum<K>,V>
SortedMap<K,V> TreeMap<K,V>
The LinkedList<T> type implements the List<T> , the Queue<T> , and the Deque<T> interfaces, so it
really does have multiple personalities in that you can regard a LinkedList<T> object as a linked list, as a
queue, or as a double-ended queue.
Keep in mind that any collection class object that implements the Collection<T> interface can be ref-
erenced using a variable of type Collection<T> . This means that any of the list or set collections can be
referenced in this way; only the map class types are excluded (but not entirely, as you can obtain a set from
a map, and the classes implementing a map can provide a view of the values stored as a Collection<T>
reference). You see that using a parameter of type Collection<T> is a standard way of passing a list or a set
to a method.
These interfaces involve quite a large number of methods, so rather than go through them in the abstract,
let's see them at work in the context of some specific collection class types.
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