Java Reference
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different key objects produce the same hashcode. I explain keys and hashcodes in a little more detail later in
this chapter when I discuss using maps.
Now let's look at how you can move through the objects in a collection.
In the LinkedList<T> class that you developed in Chapter 13 you implemented the Iterable<> interface
for getting the objects from the list. This resulted in your LinkedList<T> type being able to make an iterator
available. As you know, an iterator is an object that you can use once to retrieve all the objects in a collec-
tion one by one. Someone dealing cards from a deck one by one is acting as an iterator for the card deck
— without the shuffle, of course. Implementing the Iterable<T> interface was a much better approach to
accessing the members of a list than the technique that you originally implemented, and it made the collec-
tion usable with a collection-based for loop. An iterator is a standard mechanism for accessing elements in
a collection.
NOTE It is worth noting at this point that Java also provides something called anenumerator
that is defined by any class that implements the java.util.Enumeration<T> generic inter-
face type. An enumerator provides essentially the same capability as an iterator, but it is re-
commended in the Java documentation that you use an iterator in preference to an enumer-
ator for collections. There's nothing particularly wrong with enumerators — it's just that the
Iterator<T> interface declares an optional remove() method that the Enumeration<T> in-
terfacedoesnot,andthemethodsinthe Iterator<T> interfacehaveshorternamesthanthose
in the Enumeration<T> interface, so code that uses them is less cluttered.
Any collection object that represents a set or a sequence can create an object of type
java.util.Iterator<> that behaves as an iterator. Types representing maps do not have methods for creat-
ing iterators. However, a map class provides methods to enable the keys or objects, or indeed the key/object
pairs, to be viewed as a set, so you can then obtain an iterator to iterate over the objects in the set view of
the map.
An Iterator<> object encapsulates references to all the objects in the original collection in some se-
quence, and they can be accessed one by one using the Iterator<> interface methods that you saw in the
previous chapter. In other words, an iterator provides an easy way to get at all the objects in a collection one
at a time. Just to remind you, the basic mechanism for using an iterator in Java is illustrated in Figure 14-4 .
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