Java Reference
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lhs = lhs op (rhs);
The right-hand side ( rhs ) is in brackets because it is worked out first — then the result is combined with
the left-hand side ( lhs ) using the operation op . Let's look at a few examples of this to make sure it's clear.
To increment an int variable count by 5 you can write:
count += 5;
This has the same effect as the following statement:
count = count + 5;
Of course, the expression to the right of the op= operator can be anything that is legal in the context, so
the statement
result /= a % b/(a + b);
is equivalent to
result = result/(a % b/(a + b));
What I have said so far about op= operations is not quite the whole story. If the type of the result of the
rhs expression is different from the type of lhs , the compiler automatically inserts a cast to convert the rhs
value to the same type as lhs . This would happen with the last example if result was of type int and a and
b were of type double , for example. This is quite different from the way the normal assignment operation is
treated. A statement using the op= operator is really equivalent to:
lhs = (type_of_lhs)(lhs op (rhs));
The automatic conversion is inserted by the compiler regardless of what the types of lhs and rhs are.
Of course, this can result in information being lost due to the cast, and you get no indication that it has oc-
curred. This is different from ordinary assignment statements where an automatic cast is allowed only when
the range of values for the type of lhs is greater that the range for the type of rhs .
The complete set of op= operators are the following:
You will learn about the operators on the second row later in the topic.
Sooner or later you are likely to need mathematical functions in your programs, even if it's only to obtain
an absolute value or calculate a square root. Java provides a range of methods that support such functions
as part of the standard library that is stored in the package java.lang , and all these are available in your
program automatically.
The methods that support various additional mathematical functions are implemented in the Math class as
static methods, so to reference a particular function you can just write Math and the name of the method you
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