Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The Class<T> type defines a lot of methods, but I'm mentioning only a few of them here as their applic-
ation is beyond the scope of this topic. You'll probably find that the primary use you have for Class<> is
obtaining the class of an object by calling the getClass() method for the object. However, you also get a
number of other useful methods with an object of a Class<> type, as shown in Table 13-1 .
TABLE 13-1 : Class<T> Methods
forName() This is a static method that you can use to get the Class<T> object for a known class or interface
type T . You pass the fully qualified name of the type as a String object to this method, and it re-
turns the Class<> object for the type that has the name you have supplied (for example,
Class<String> by specifying forName("java.lang.String") ). If no class or interface of the
type you specify exists, a ClassNotFoundException exception is thrown.
newInstance() This method calls the default constructor for the class that the current Class<T> object represents
and returns a new object of type T . When things don't work as they should, this method can throw
exceptions of type IllegalAccessException if class T or its no-arg constructor is not accessible or
of type InstantiationException if T represents an abstract class, an interface, an array type, a
primitive type, or void , or if T does not have a no-arg constructor. It can also throw an exception of
type ExceptionInInitializerError if the object initialization fails, or of SecurityException if
no permission for creating the new object exists.
getSuperclass() This method returns a Class<> object for the superclass of the class represented by the current
Class<T> object. Where the type represented is an array type, the method returns an object of type
Class<Object> . If the current Class<T> object represents the Object class or a primitive type or
void , then null is returned.
isInterface() This method returns true if the current Class<T> object represents an interface.
getInterfaces() This method returns an array of type Class<?>[] containing objects that represent the interfaces
implemented by the class or interface type corresponding to the current Class<> object. If the class
or interface does not implement any interfaces, the array that is returned has a length of 0.
This method returns a String object representing the current Class<T> object.
As I said, the list of methods in Table 13-1 for the Class<T> type is not exhaustive. A number of other
methods defined in the class enable you to find out details of the contents of a class — the fields, the public
methods defined in the class, or even classes that are defined within the class. If you need this kind of cap-
ability, you can find out more by browsing the API documentation relating to the Class<T> generic type.
Arrays of elements that are of a type produced from a generic type are not allowed. For example, although
it looks quite reasonable, the following statement is not permitted and results in a compiler error message:
LinkedList<String>[] lists = new LinkedList<>[10]; // Will not compile!!!
Although you can declare a field in a generic type by specifying the type using a type parameter, you are
not allowed to create arrays of elements using a type parameter. For example, you can define a data member
like this:
public class MyType<T> {
// The methods and data members of the type...
private T[] data;
// This is OK
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