Java Reference
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ent only class types, and not interface types, so you can use this when you want to specify any type, as long
as it's a class type.
Defining a Lower Bound
You can constrain a wildcard type specification by specifying that it is a superclass of a given type. In this
case you use the super keyword to define a lower bound for the wildcard. Here's an example:
public static void analyze(LinkedList<? super MyClass> list) {
// Code to do whatever with the list...
Here you are saying that the elements in the list that is passed as the argument to the analyze() method
must be of type MyClass , or of a type that MyClass extends or implements. This should ring a bell in re-
lation to the BinaryTree<T> generic type from earlier in this chapter. A wildcard that is a superclass of a
given type sounds like a good candidate for what you were looking for to make the BinaryTree<T> type
more flexible, and it would accept a type argument that possibly inherited an implementation of the Com-
parable<T> interface. You could modify the definition to the following to allow this:
public class BinaryTree<T extends Comparable<? super T>> {
// Details exactly as before...
The only change that you have made to the BinaryTree<> type is that you've changed the type parameter
for the Comparable<T> interface to a wildcard that is a superclass of T , the type parameter for Bin-
aryTree<> . The effect is to allow any type argument to be accepted that implements the Comparable<T> in-
terface or inherits an implementation of it. This should allow the BinaryTree<> type to be used with classes
such as the Manager class, which could not be used as a type argument in the previous BinaryTree<T> im-
plementation. Let's prove it.
TRY IT OUT: A More Flexible Binary Tree
You need the definition of the Person and Manager classes that you saw earlier. The Person class defin-
ition is the following:
public class Person implements Comparable<Person> {
public Person(String name) { = name;
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