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This produces the following output:
The string is:
The quick brown fox.
The quick brown fox.
The first instance of str in the output is produced by the "%s" specification that follows the first "%n" ,
and the second instance is produced by the "%1$25s" specification. The "%1$25s" specification has a field
width that is greater than the length of the string so the string appears right-justified in the output field. You
could apply the '-' flag to obtain the string left-justified in the field.
You have many more options and possibilities for formatted output. Try experimenting with them your-
self, and if you want details of more specifier options, read the JDK documentation for the printf() meth-
od in the PrintStream class.
The Locale Class
You can pass an object of type java.util.Locale as the first argument to the printf() method, preceding
the format string and the variable number of arguments that you want displayed. The Locale object specifies
a language or a country + language context that affects the way various kinds of data, such as dates or mon-
etary amounts, is presented.
You have three constructors available for creating Locale objects that accept one, two, or three arguments
of type String . The first argument specifies a language as a string of two lowercase letters representing a
Language Code defined by the standard ISO-639. Examples of language codes are "fr" for French, "en"
for English, and "be" for Belarusian. The second argument specifies a country as a string of two upper-
case letters representing a country code defined by the ISO-3166 standard. Examples of country codes are
"US" for the USA, "GB" for the United Kingdom, and "CA" for Canada. The third argument is a vendor or
browser-specific code such as "WIN" for Windows or "MAC" for Macintosh.
However, rather than using a class constructor, more often than not you use one of the Locale class
constant static data members that provide predefined Locale objects for common national contexts. For ex-
ample, you have members JAPAN , ITALY , and GERMANY for countries and JAPANESE , ITALIAN , and GERMAN
for the corresponding languages. Consult the JDK documentation for the Locale class for a complete list of
Formatting Data into a String
The printf() method produces the string that is output by using an object of type java.util.Formatter ,
and it is the Formatter object that is producing the output string from the format string and the argument
values. A Formatter object is also used by a static method format() that is defined in the String class,
and you can use this method to format data into a string that you can use wherever you like — for displaying
data in a component in a windowed application, for example. The static format() method in the String
class comes in two versions, and the parameter lists for these are the same as for the two versions of the
printf() method in the PrintStream class just discussed, one with the first parameter as a Locale object
followed by the format string parameter and the variable parameter list and the other without the Locale
parameter. Thus, all the discussion of the format specification and the way it interacts with the arguments
you supply applies equally well to the String.format() method, and the result is returned as type String .
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