Java Reference
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Directory "TryChainedExceptions"
You should put the TryChainedExceptions class file and the file for the ZeroDivideException class
together in the same directory.
The output from this example includes:
Values: 10 5 0 3 12 0 6
First try block in main()entered
... more output
First try block in divide() entered
Arithmetic exception caught in divide()
Throwing ZeroDivideException
ZeroDivideException caught in main()
ZeroDivideException: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
at TryChainedExceptions.divide(
at TryChainedExceptions.main(
Caused by: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
at TryChainedExceptions.divide(
... 1 more
Zero divisor at x[2] corrected to 1
Outside first try block in main()
... more output
First try block in divide() entered
Index-out-of-bounds index exception caught in divide()
Executing code after try block in divide()
result = 1
Outside first try block in main()
First try block in main()entered
... more output
Outside first try block in main()
Values: 0 5 2 0 12 1 12
How It Works
The main() method creates an array of integers and iterates over the elements in the for loop. The di-
vide() method is called in a try block, so any exceptions throw by divide() can be caught in main() .
The divide() methods sets the value of the array element corresponding to the index value that is
passed. The value is the ratio of elements at index+2 and index+1 . When the divisor is zero, an Arith-
meticException is thrown and caught by the catch block in divide() .
The catch block for ArithmeticException creates an instance of the new exception class Zer-
oDivideException and passes the index for the element with the zero value and the reference to the
ArithmeticException to the constructor. The new exception is thrown to notify the calling program,
main() .
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