Java Reference
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This class implements three interfaces with the names Conversions , Definitions , and Detections .
The class body contains definitions for the methods declared in all three interfaces.
TRY IT OUT: Implementing an Interface
You can use the Conversions interface in a modified version of the previous example. Redefine the
TryConversions class in the source file as follows:
import static conversions.ConversionFactors.*; // Import static
public class TryConversions implements Conversions {
public double wattsToHP (double watts) {
return watts*WATT_TO_HP;
public double hpToWatts (double hp) {
return hp*HP_TO_WATT;
public double ouncesToGrams(double ounces) {
return ounces*OUNCE_TO_GRAM;
public double poundsToGrams(double pounds) {
return pounds*POUND_TO_GRAM;
public double inchesToMillimeters(double inches) {
return inches*INCH_TO_MM;
public static void main(String args[]) {
int myWeightInPounds = 180;
int myHeightInInches = 75;
TryConversions converter = new TryConversions();
System.out.println("My weight in pounds: " +myWeightInPounds +
" \t-in grams: "+
System.out.println("My height in inches: " + myHeightInInches
+ " \t-in millimeters: "
Directory "TryConversions2"
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