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TRY IT OUT: Importing Constants into a Program
Save the ConversionFactors class definition in a directory with the name
conversions . Here's a simple class that uses the constants defined in the utility class ConversionFact-
ors :
import static conversions.ConversionFactors.*;
// Import static
public class TryConversions {
public static double poundsToGrams(double pounds) {
return pounds*POUND_TO_GRAM;
public static double inchesToMillimeters(double inches) {
return inches*INCH_TO_MM;
public static void main(String args[]) {
int myWeightInPounds = 180;
int myHeightInInches = 75;
System.out.println("My weight in pounds: " +myWeightInPounds +
" \t-in grams: "+
System.out.println("My height in inches: " +myHeightInInches +
" \t-in millimeters: "+
Directory "TryConversions"
Save the file in the TryConversions directory. Don't forget that you must in-
clude the path to your conversions package when you compile this program. If the conversions direct-
ory is a subdirectory of C:\MyPackages , the command to compile the program with TryConversions as
the current directory is:
javac -classpath "C:\MyPackages"
When you compile and execute this example, you should see the following output:
My weight in pounds: 180 -in grams: 81646
My height in inches: 75 -in millimeters: 1905
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