Java Reference
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exception. One way to obviate this situation is to verify that the object is of the type you expect before you
make the cast.
You saw earlier in this chapter how you could use the getClass() method to obtain the Class object
corresponding to the class type, and how you could compare it to a Class instance for the class you are
looking for. You can also do this using the instanceof operator. For example, suppose you have a variable
pet of type Animal , and you want to cast it to type Duck . You could code this as:
if(pet instanceof Duck) {
Duck aDuck = (Duck)pet; // It is a duck so the cast is OK
aDuck.layEgg(); // and You can have an egg for tea
If pet does not refer to a Duck object, an attempt to cast the object referenced by pet to Duck causes an
exception to be thrown. This code fragment executes the cast and lay an egg only if pet does point to a Duck
object. The preceding code fragment could have been written much more concisely as:
if(pet instanceof Duck) {
((Duck)pet).layEgg(); // It is a duck so You can have an egg for tea
So what is the difference between this and using getClass() ? Well, it's quite subtle. The instanceof
operator checks whether a cast of the object referenced by the left operand to the type specified by the right
operand is legal. The result is true if the object is the same type as the right operand, or of any subclass
type . You can illustrate the difference by choosing a slightly different example.
Suppose pet stores a reference to an object of type Spaniel . You want to call a method defined in the
Dog class, so you need to check that pet does really reference a Dog object. You can check whether you have
a Dog object or not with the following statements:
if(pet instanceof Dog) {
System.out.println("You have a dog!");
} else {
System.out.println("It's definitely not a dog!");
You get confirmation that you have a Dog object here, even though it is actually a Spaniel object. This
is fine, though, for casting purposes. As long as the Dog class is in the class hierarchy for the object, the cast
works okay, so the operator is telling you what you need to know. However, suppose you write:
if(pet.getClass() == Dog.class) {
System.out.println("You have a dog!");
else {
System.out.println("It's definitely not a dog!");
Here the if expression is false because the class type of the object is Spaniel , so its Class object is
different from that of Dog.class — you would have to write Spaniel.class instead of Dog.class to get
the value true from the if expression.
You can conclude from this that for casting purposes you should always use the instanceof operator
to check the type of a reference. You only need to resort to checking the Class object corresponding to a
reference when you need to confirm the exact type of the reference.
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