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Directory "DuplicateObjects"
You can now derive a class PetDog from Dog that contains a Flea object as a member:
public class PetDog extends Dog {
// Constructor
public PetDog(String name, String breed, String fleaName, String
fleaSpecies) {
super(name, breed);
petFlea = new Flea("Max","circus flea");
// Initialize petFlea
// Copy constructor
public PetDog(PetDog pet) {
// Call base copy
petFlea = new Flea(pet.petFlea);
// Duplicate the flea
// Return the flea
public Flea getFlea() {
return petFlea;
public void sound() {
// Return a String for the pet dog
public String toString() {
return super.toString() + " - a pet dog.\nIt has a flea:\n" +
protected Flea petFlea;
// The pet flea
Directory "DuplicateObjects"
This class defines a specialized type of Dog object that has a flea. To make it possible to clone a PetDog
object, you implemented a copy constructor. Note how the copy constructor passes the PetDog object to
the Dog class copy constructor. This is legal because the Dog class copy constructor has a parameter of
type Dog and a PetDog object is a specialized type of Dog . In general you can pass an object of any type
that is a subclass of the parameter type to a method.
You can try out creating and duplicating a PetDog object with the following code:
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